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Thunderbird - Temporarily Switch Composing Between Plain Text/HTML

In order to temporarily switch your composing format for a message, hold the [SHIFT] key while clicking the “Write” (Compose) button.

If your default format is Plain Text, the message format will be in HTML format. If your default format is HTML, the message format will be in Plain Text format.



Enter your comment. Wiki syntax is allowed:
   _  __   ___    ___    __ __   __ 
  | |/_/  / _ \  / _ |  / // /  / / 
 _>  <   / // / / __ | / _  /  / /__
/_/|_|  /____/ /_/ |_|/_//_/  /____/
blog/thunderbird_-_temporarily_switch_composing_between_plain_text/html.txt · Last modified: 2009-06-15 12:00 by brb