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synergy protocol version woes

Synergy is a great tool which lets you share a mouse and keyboard simply by moving the mouse pointer to the 'other' machine.

After updating my laptop to Ubuntu Raring Ringtail (13.04), synergy no longer worked. I got the error message

WARNING: failed to connect to server: incompatible client 1.3

The reason for this is that synergy on Ubuntu 13.04 requires protocol version 1.4, while Ubuntu 12.10 comes with a synergy server using protocol version 1.3.

To fix this, install the newest synergy server on ubuntu 12.10, like this:

Download the .deb package from

sudo apt-get remove synergy
sudo dpkg --install synergy-1.4.12-Linux-x86_64.deb
sudo apt-mark hold synergy



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blog/synergy_protocol_version_woes.txt · Last modified: 2014-04-24 09:41 by brb