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Monitor Linux network interface traffic using nagios

To monitor network traffic on your systems using nagios there is the check_netio plugin on nagios exchange.

Here's the setup for debian systems: Download the check_netio_1.1 to /usr/local/bin and test it. You will have to change paths, like this: check_netio_1.1_debian Copy this file to all your servers that you check by ssh.

You need these commands to enable netio checking for a hostgroups based configuration.

# 'ssh_netio' command definition                                                          
define command{                                                                           
        command_name ssh_netio                                                            
        command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_by_ssh -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C "/usr/local/bin/check_netio_1.1 -i $ARG1$"                                                            
define hostgroup {                                                                        
        hostgroup_name  netio-servers                                                     
define service{                                                                            use                             generic-service         ; Name of service template to use                                                                                 hostgroup_name                  netio-servers                                     
        service_description             NETIO                                             
        check_command                   ssh_netio!eth0                                           }                                                                           

To enable netio checking for a given host, add the entry netio-servers to the hostgroups of the host entry.

Restart nagios using /etc/init.d/nagios3 restart to make sure everything works. Nagios should check the NETIO service.

To enable nagiosgrapher display for the netio:



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blog/monitor_linux_network_interface_traffic_using_nagios.1306075984.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-05-22 16:53 by brb