Zotero (www.zotero.org) is a great, open bibliography tool, which in the free version includes limited storage (which can be upgraded for a yearly fee). Zotero integrates well with Firefox and Wordprocessors like Word and LibreOffice.
To share a bibliography in a workgroup, the group function can be used. Many of these functions can be done in the Firefox Zotero plugin, Here's how to do this:
Login to zotero.org
Select [Groups-Create Group]
Go [Groups- manage library] and select the settings for full cooperation (if that's what you want)
Library Reading - Any group member
Library Editing - Any group member
File Editit - Any group member
Go to [Groups - member settings ] and
use [Member Invitations - Send more invitations] to give others access. The will get an invitation email, but will need to have or create a Zotera account.
[current member - Role] to change member role (Member or Admin) or Remove a member.