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Replace faulty disk in linux md

Replacing a faulty drive in an mdadm managed RAID array.

  1. Use 'mdadm –manage /dev/mdX -r /dev/sdF' to remove the drive that was marked as faulty from the array.
  2. Power down and replace the drive with a good drive.
  3. Power up and set the partition table on the new drive to match those of the other drives in the array. Here we used 'sfdisk -d /dev/sdN | sfdisk /dev/sdF'.
  4. Add the proper partition on the new drive into the array, 'mdadm –manage /dev/mdX -a /dev/sdN2'
  5. Sit back and wait for the recovery to happen, you can 'watch cat /proc/mdstat' to watch its progress; you should see something like:




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blog/replace_faulty_disk_in_linux_md.1329369688.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012-02-16 06:21 by brb