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bash use ALT-. to copy last argument

Richard Stallman - founder of the GNU Project

“I recently learned about the M-. command in Bash (use Escape followed by a full stop if you don’t have a Meta key), which copies the last argument from the previous command.”

Note: Meta key is ALT on my Ubuntu machine.



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  ____   _  __  _____  ____   _   __
 /_  /  / |/ / / ___/ / __ \ | | / /
  / /_ /    / / /__  / /_/ / | |/ / 
 /___//_/|_/  \___/  \____/  |___/
blog/bash_use_alt-._to_copy_last_argument.txt · Last modified: 2009-11-02 07:15 by brb